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Graine de Papier | Our know-how
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Our know-how

Graine de papier is devoted to businesses determined to expand and achieve their goals by engineering a unique brand image and position.

Every single project is approached as a blank canvas on which, together, we map out the solution that best matches your goals and your ambition.

We guarantee you a personalised service, careful follow-up and high-quality outputs.

Graphic design

Creating your graphics and bringing your message to life.

Building on your wants and needs, we conceptualise and mastermind their graphic embodiment. We design relevant and striking materials that have meaning and make sense.

Breathing life into your ideas


Brand image

Defining and tailoring your image.

We create your visual identity (logo, style guide…) and your internal and external communication materials, both in print (business documents, marketing materials, personalised stationery, printed promotional items…) and digital format (web design, screen presentation, interactive media, animated cards…).

Revealing your uniqueness

Custom lettering

Designing your characters and words to render them unique and eye-catching.

Each letter is shaped by hand to transform text into image. It’s more than just a choice of font: the outline, depth and harmony of the letters express more than the words themselves.

Enhancing your message

Bespoke stationery

Creating jotters, notebooks, diaries, pens or paper confectionery… with fine materials.

These thoughtful tokens, reflecting your company’s image, are personalised with calligraphy or printed text. 100 % made in Brittany.

Sparking emotion